Lawn Care - Decorating your Lawn with Trees
What lawn is complete without trees and shrubs? They add color, character, and a sense of history all year long. By planting the right trees and shrubs, you can enjoy different trees each season.
When deciding where to plant young trees you should:
Decide which older trees will be staying and which ones will not Choose the right areas for the trees Try to incorporate shrubs into the landscape Decide where you want or need the shade Group trees when necessary
Planting the trees and shrubs is easier than deciding where they should go in many cases. You will have to be aware of your surroundings. Do not plant trees that are going to grow very large underneath wires, near utility poles, or too close to your home. You will run into problems later on. Also, if you are planting trees that will drip sap or have sticky flowers, you not plant them near your driveway.
After you have moved into your new how, you should survey the lawn to see if there are older trees that should be taken down. Trees that appear dead should first be inspected by a landscaper and then removed in order to protect those who will be using the lawn. You can choose to replant young trees where the old trees stood, or you can totally change the landscaping and come up with your own creative ideas.
You should research the trees and shrubs before buying them. Some trees, like oak trees are wonderful to have on the lawn, but over time their roots may emerge from the ground. If you plan on living in your home for a long time, you may not want this feature. Buying trees as young as possible will eliminate this problem, but you may have to wait twenty or thirty years before you will truly be able to enjoy them.
Many people enjoy grouping trees of the same kind together. This creates a more woodsy or rustic look. Your landscaper will be able to tell you which trees should be grouped together. Many times birch and popular trees are grouped together because their branches are higher and their trunks are smaller than pine or oak trees.
Trees can also be used for privacy. Buying evergreen trees and using them on the sides or the back of your home will act as a natural fence. You should buy these trees when they are mature and already standing about five or six feet tall. This will give you automatic privacy. For those who want to keep the landscape as natural as possible, but who also want privacy from their neighbors, evergreen trees are the perfect substitute for a wooden or metal fence.
After buying your trees, you should clear the areas where you want to plant them. You should plant two and three year old trees between the months of December and March. You will need to dig a hole using a shovel or a planting bar. This is a device that will make digging into the dirt a lot easier because it has a pointed end. You should remove about a foot and a half to two feet of dirt. Place the tree into the hole and spread out the roots. If they do not fit properly, then you may need to dig a little more.
After placing the tree, you should cover the hole with dirt and pack it firmly so that the tree does not fall over. Care for the tree as per the instructions.
Terry Blackburn. Internet Marketing Consultant, living in South Shields in the North-East of England. Author and Producer of blog Author of "Your Perfect Lawn," a 90 Page eBook devoted to Lawn Preparation, Lawn Care and Maintenance. Find it at
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