Top Ten Lawn Diseases and Proper Lawn Care
Most lawn diseases are cause by fungus. Although fungus is present in all lawns stress will cause a sudden fungal growth. Poor lawn care and extreme weather changes can cause fungus to multiply and destroy your lawn. Treat this lawn disease with fungicide. Check with your local nursery for the appropriate fungicide to use on your diseased lawn.
Fungus can appear in all different climates and can take on a myriad of different characteristics. From greasy to dry, yellow to black, dots to stripes, fungus appears in all shapes and sizes. Here are a list of the top 10, how to recognize them and how to prevent their recurrence.
1)Dollar spot – Your lawn will have light brown or tan spots the size of silver dollars. To get rid of this lawn disease feed your sod in the spring and fall. Apply light nitrogen frequently and be sure to remove and destroy infected grass clippings.
2)Red thread – This lawn disease looks like areas of pink grass. You can actually see red or rust colored threads on the grass. This lawn disease loves cool humid climates. For proper lawn care fertilize in spring and fall. Add lime as needed, improve drainage and remove all infected grass clippings.
3)Brown patch – Round brown areas characterize this lawn disease. The grass will first look water logged and then brown and dry. To combat this lawn disease use slow release nitrogen fertilizer in the spring. Be sure to improve drainage and remove all infected grass clipping.
4)Powdery mildew – This lawn disease makes the grass blades look white or gray. The blades may turn yellow and wilt. This lawn disease likes to attack new grass. The correct lawn care in this case is to remove causes of excess shade, aerate your lawn and be sure not to over water or over fertilize.
5)Rust – The grass blades will develop rust bubbles. To get rid of this lawn disease mow your lawn weekly and destroy all infected clippings. Be sure to feed, water and fertilize regularly.
6)Pythium blight (Cottony blight) – The grass looks greasy in areas with the affected outer areas black with white or gray mildew. For the appropriate lawn care for this lawn disease aerate your lawn. Do not over fertilize or over water the diseased area. You also want to reduce nitrogen applications.
7)Snow Mold – You will see white or pink spots on your lawn in spring. To prevent this lawn disease cut your grass short in fall and do not remove the clippings. Do not fertilize your lawn after mid summer and improve your drainage.
8)Fusarium blight – This lawn disease is characterized by red-brown rings with healthy grass in the center. This lawn disease tends to strike during drought. The appropriate lawn care in this situation is to water you lawn frequently and reseed affected areas with disease resistant seeds.
9)Stripe smut – Grass blades appear to be striped when this lawn disease strikes. The strips open into black powder like areas and the grass may wilt. Lawn care to combat this lawn disease begins with aeration. Be sure not to over water the area and remove all infected thatch.
10)Slime molds – Slimy patches in white, gray, or yellow will be seen on your lawn when this lawn disease strikes. When the slime dries it looks gray, yellow or black. Aerate regularly and remove any thatch. Cut your grass to the lowest recommended height possible.
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